Test Drive the Aegis Gladius!

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  • Test Drive the Aegis Dynamics Gladius!

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    Greetings Citizens

    For the next week we are unlocking the Aegis Dynamics Gladius for all backers to test drive in Arena Commander. The Gladius is the UEE’s reigning light short-range patrol fighter. The Gladius is fast, maneuverable and capable of punching far above its weight. The main advantage to the design is simplicity: cheap to produce, easy to repair and outfit. The perfect ship to train new pilots. The Gladius is an aging design nearing the end of its life-cycle, although iterative updates have kept it the most nimble fighter in the active fleet.

    We hope you enjoy flying the Gladius. Thank you citizens.

    Quelle: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/tran…e-Aegis-Gladius