Official Faction ID information needed

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed',''] In order to facilitate the Official Faction perks for the next update, we will be providing each Official Faction their own ID. This will be a different ID from the NPC ID they currently carry. These new ID's will become available at selected NPC bases convenient for each respective faction and available for Official Faction members only. For all Official Factions, the devs are going to fix faction reps so that they match faction diplomacy.

    What we need is:

    - Description of your faction (a short paragraph, in line with their approved lore, so no "our faction's the best thing that's happened to Sirius ever" stuff)

    - Full list of your diplomacy/rephacks you want on your ID

    - A sellpoint for the ID (has to be an NPC base, but not necessarily a guard base)


    What are the Official Faction Perks going to be?

    You will have to wait till the update to find out.

    When is the Update?
    Don't ask. You'll only delay it another month.

    What about Factions that already have their own ID?

    If there are any changes in faction diplomacy, faction description or sellpoint for your ID, then post here with the request.

    What will happen with the NPC ID's that Official Factions currently carry?
    These will still be carried by indie players and no changes at this time will occur with them.

    How will I be able to distinguish between Official Faction ID and NPC ID?
    There will be the Faction Info that you provide on the ID itself, or something indicating that it is the Primary ID for that faction. Please remember that this ID is for Official Faction members only.

    Note: This thread has a designated purpose of providing necessary faction information. Official faction leaders, or a representative authorized by them, are the only ones allowed to post in here. All other posts will be invised. This will help our devs in not having to sift through non-essential information in order to get what they need. If there are any questions or concerns, please post them in a separate thread.
