Developer Notice: Player Owned Bases Update

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed','']

    These changes were promised for update 6, but unfortunately due to various technical difficulties they had to be postponed. After beating the plugin with a large stick for about a week, the changes are finally ready thanks to our resident FLHooker, Kazinsal, and are being implemented server-side.

    Details of the new POB plugin update is as follows:

    1. Shield protection ratio is reduced to 97% (previously 99%)
    2. Wear & tear damage reduced to 300 per minute (previously 600)
    3. Factory construction requirements reasonably reduced.
    4. Construction speed for shield module increased.

    This basically means bases will be easier to build, easier to maintain, and also easier to siege and destroy. The actual cost of the upkeep and upgrade is also considerably reduced by these changes and to compensate for the vulnerability core 1 bases will receive with the new shield protection rate, construction of the module itself is made twice as fast.

    Feel free to use this thread for any possible feedback, but in case of any possible bugs, please use the appropriate bug report thread.[/feedquote]