Discovery 4.87: Conquest - Update 5

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed','']

    Ladies and gentlemen, the holidays season is upon us, and little elves of the dev team have been working hard to get this update ready for you in time. Your copy of Discovery should automatically update itself the next time you run the game. Even though at the first glance update 5 change log might seem rather lighter than the past couple of updates, the technical work done for this update is comparable to the previous ones, and a few of the rather time consuming features on 4.87 to-do list is finally ready and implemented in this update.

    After a long wait, the couple of bugs preventing player owned bases from functioning properly is also fixed and the bases will be turned back on in a week or two. An advance notice will be posted in this section to let the base owners know once the exact date is decided, as there are still a couple of adjustments pending and need to be made server-side before POBs can be turned back on.

    Complete list of bug fixes and changes included in update 5:


    - Added EngClass plugin by adoxa.
    - Techcompat plugin improvements by Kazinsal.
    - Player Owned Base plugin improvements by Kazinsal.
    - Purchasable engines added for freighters and below.
    - The issue with NPC guns not showing in the scan window fixed.
    - Debris models for Freteval Debris Field in Orleanais fixed.
    - Visit entry error on Omega-9 jumphole on Omega-55 fixed.
    - Cosmetic updates to Valetta Shipyard, Omicron Alpha.
    - Ship name added to capital ship infocards.
    - Ontario and Koeln trade lane names fixed.
    - Fixed the Cl1 Flashpoint turret sellpoint.
    - Fixed Incapacitator Torpedo seeker range.
    - Player Owned Base-related docking bug fixed.
    - Updated ship and equipment stat infocards.
    - All ship icons updated with a unified style.
    - Removed BAF rephack from Privateer ID.
    - Light Fighter mining gun class fixed.
    - Brigand LF engine cruise speed fixed.
    - Various ID descriptions updated.
    - Touketsu handling adjusted.
    - Centurion hardpoints fixed.
    - Stellion shield class fixed.
    - Various infocard fixes.
    - Various technerf fixes.
    - Various rephack fixes.

    Notice To Other Server Owners
    Changes made in update 5 following the implementation of Adoxa's engine change plugin have caused a few compatibility issues with the existing player database as well as the current version of DSAccountManager, please download the updated version of DSAM server control tool from this thread and follow the given instructions to fix this problem and make sure your player database will continue to function properly.

    If you have not downloaded and installed Discovery 4.87: Conquest, then see the following link
    Discovery 4.87 Beta Release

    If the automatic update does not work, the update can be downloaded manually from here. Unzip the contents of this directory inside your Discovery installation.