Admin Notice: SRP Regulations Amended

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed','']

    After some discussion within the admins team, the SRP regulations (found here) have received two adjustments:

    I. The SRP fee is now refundable if the request is approved.

    (03-28-2012 02:08 AM)Dieter Schprokets Wrote:

    1. 250 millions is the fee for an SRP application. It will be taken from the character identified and is refundable if the request manages to gain the initial approval and pass the 1 month check-in.

    Similar to how the 500 millions fee for factions official status requests is handled, if an application is approved and passes its 1 month check-in, the 250 millions will be re-added to the SRPed character. This only applies to SRPs approved under the current revision of the SRP system, and the initial fee for any request approved under older revisions of the system will not be refunded. (Sorry about that, but having shiny toys is already more than worth it, no?)

    II. Provided a template for 1 month and 4 month check-in posts.

    (01-30-2014 09:35 PM)aerelm Wrote:

    If a special roleplay request is approved, the applicant is required to post in this subforum again, one month and four months after the time of approval, each with an allowed 7 days of grace period, linking relevant content in regards to section 5 of the original application, with the first thread covering the short-term goals stated in the request, and fourth month covering the long-term goals.

    The request should be posted as a new thread in this subforum, and it will be reviewed by the staff. Once the check-in post is processed, it will be merged with the original request and made visible. The character does not essentially need to achieve the full extent of the exact goals listed in the original request, but notable effort must have been put into further developing the character within the scope of the approved request.

    The template can be found in post #4 of the SRP regulations thread. To avoid any confusions: No changes were made to how the SRPs are handled under the current system, the only update to the process is the template and the additional explanation, and otherwise, the rules and regulations regarding the check-in requirements have stayed the same. Furthermore, similar to the above, only applications approved under the current revision of the SRP system need to make posts using this template and any request approved prior to the recent changes are exempt from this.[/feedquote]