4.87 Beta Release

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed','http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=104874']Today we release the beta of Discovery Freelancer 4.87: Conquest.

    This version of the mod has been delivers much needed progress to the storyline. Many systems have been changed, some removed and some merged. It was the development team's intent to build on the lore of as many factions in the game as it was possible.

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    But the storyline is not everything. The dev team has done all in its power to improve the gameplay flow in many systems, and the storyline was driven in such a way as to provide as many opportunities for roleplay as possible, while also not breaking established lore. To further deliver better gameplay, many balance changes have been made (specifically to fighters) in order to improve the flow of PvP fights, so that they can in the end become more interesting and intense than they are right now.

    And of course it wouldn't be a Discovery release if we didn't have many new or improved ship models ready for you to discover and enjoy yourself in. Many talented modellers have submitted exceptional work which further enhances the quality of the mod, and will allow for a far more immersive experience.

    The economy has been revamped once again, with not only many new commodities being added, but the economy specifically designed to support the needs of base builders. Realistic chains of material harvesting, refining, manufacturing and retailing now exist. There are more than enough trade (or smuggling) opportunities for any hauler out there.

    To give a fuller sense of immersion into the dangerous Sirius sector, NPCs throughout the entirety of the mod have been updated to feature better weaponry, but also fewer numbers. No longer will NPCs appear to die in droves, instead small patrols of NPCs will be something to be aware of. Capital worlds will also be properly protected by specially outfitted defenders, to enforce safety in the core worlds.

    Please expect problems -- the server will crash a lot -- this is a beta release. Don't panic we will fix any issues as quickly as possible. We will probably do a character database roll back once the server stabilizes sufficiently.

    Click here to download

    (torrent link)

    Many thanks to the discovery development team both past and present, in particular Aeternus, Aerelm, Blodo, Echo, Jinx, Mjolnir and Xoria and all of the infocard guys. For the record, I did almost nothing for this release, the dev team did everything.

    Enjoy and have fun out there.[/feedquote]